Any player who ignores or deliberately disobeys the following rules will be removed from the game.
These rules are to try and ensure that games are played safely and enjoyably.
- Take your hits! Gun hit counts as a kill. Ricochet (rebounds) do not count.
- When hit, shout 'HIT!' (nice and loud, please, for all to hear). Raise your hand above your head and hold your weapon with its barrel skywards to make it obvious you are a non-combatant.
- Dead men do not talk.
- If moving through a battle please wait and make yourself known: shout 'dead man walking' or 'dead man coming out'.
- If you see people not taking hits, tell a Marshal, do not shout and swear at them.
- ‘BANG’ rule: if you are within 10ft (3m) you may wish to not discharge your weapon but shout 'Bang'
- Avoid headshots. Always attempt to aim for the body of another player and not the head.
- Keep your feet on the ground, so no digging and no climbing trees and roofs.
- No blind firing.
- No 'keyhole shooting'
Eye Protection must be worn at all times, unless in the designated safe zone.
We recommend the use of full-face protection. If you choose not to, you do it at your own risk.
Under 18’s MUST wear a full face mask.
You must chrono all your guns before the game and can be asked to chrono at any point during the game. Refusal will mean exclusion from the site.
- AEGs and pistols - 350fps with 0.2g BB. Full auto allowed, unless instructed by a Marshal to switch to single shot only for certain games (e.g. CQB).
- DMRs - 420 fps with 0.2g BB, single shot only at all times, minimum 30m engagement distance.
- Bolt action sniper rifles - 500 fps with 0.2g BB, minimum 30m engagement distance.
All weapons must be made safe before entering the safe zone and must remain safe. Magazines must be removed and chambers cleared.
No dry firing in the safe zone.
Depending on the scenario, the re-spawn rule may vary. Typical examples:
- Return to the nearest re-spawn point before re-joining the game. Re-spawn points will be marked and explained to you by the Marshal before the game starts; OR
- Withdraw from the skirmish 30 paces in the direction of your base camp/game start point and come back in.
The terrain is uneven. There are many natural and not-so-natural trip hazards in the woods.
Suitable footwear with good ankle support is strongly recommended.
Trainers are not permitted!!!
DO NOT camp out at re-spawn points.
DO NOT shout at anyone you think is not taking your hits
While we do attempt to censor the language used, anyone found being threatening or abusive to another player would be asked to leave the site.
If anyone physically assaults another player or member of staff they will be banned from the site without warning.